Wednesday, November 01, 2006

El Diario Endorses the WFP and Spitzer!

An editorial in the nation's oldest Spanish-language newspaper today endorsed voting on the Working Families Party (WFP) ballot line, Row E, for Eliot Spitzer for Governor. The editorial represents the first time a major newspaper has specifically endorsed the Working Families Party ballot line (although WFP candidates like New York City Councilmember Letitia James have received endorsements before).

The editorial is available in English here:

The editorial is available in Spanish here:

The editorial says: "A vote on the Working Families Party line will serve Spitzer as a beacon as he takes on the black-hole of entrenched interests in Albany. It will remind him of the urgent needs of working men and women across the state.... We cast our vote for Eliot Spitzer on the Working Families Party line in expectation of a return of fairness and equity to Albany.

Established in 1913, El Diario La Prensa is the oldest Spanish-language newspaper in the US. The paper is the number one Spanish-language newspaper in New York with a daily readership of 265,000 and a circulation of more than 50,000.

Voting on the Working Families Party has also been endorsed by progressive leaders and activists like author/editor Gloria Steinem, filmmaker Michael Moore, actress/education advocate Cynthia Nixon and protest singer Pete Seeger.

The Working Families Party immediately announced plans to mail the editorial to Latino families in New York.

The WFP is a coalition of community organizations, unions and grassroots activists whose objective is to forcefully inject the issues that matter most to working families into the public debate.

Party memebrs interview Republicans, Democrats and other candidates and endorse the best candidate for the job, regardless of political party.

This year, the party is emphasizing universal health care, raising the minimum wage, affordable housing, fairer taxes and bringing Americans troops back from Iraq. 168,000 New Yorkers voted for Sen. Charles Schumer on the Working Families Party line in 2004.

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