Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Sick System

The Syracuse Post-Standard, not the most progressive paper in the state, in an editorial today urges comprehensive health care reform as it observes the contrast between 3 million uninsured New Yorkers and exploding executive compensation at upstate insurer Excellus.

They had an excellent year. The vice chairman of the Rochester-based company, which provides insurance for 2 million New Yorkers, earned nearly $1.7 million. The president and CEO received almost $1.5 million and the executive vice president was paid $1.3 million. Fifty-three other employees were paid more than $200,000.

However, the paper stops short of prescribing specific solutions and instead urges the company's suits to take symbolic steps by limiting their own pay.

The paper's dead-on about the need for reform and right to start point fingers at insurance company largesse. We need to continue the discussion. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1199/GNYHA had a great proposal for a pay to play system in NY that would have been a giant leap toward universal health insurance.

But that wouldn't be enough. We also need is a real commitment to change the way doctors and hospitals practice medicine--people get the same tests over and over again because doctors don't know what other doctors have already done.

Whatever it is, it's going to be a lot of hard work on a lot of different fronts. While I give the Syracuse Post-Standard credit for seeing that there's a problem, they seem to think there's an easy fix (as does Bush, with all his talk of evil trial lawyers, and savings accounts so you can "own" your health insurance). I don't think it's a good idea to encourage people to look for simple solution to the really complex problems in the healthcare system, because that's just encouraging people to get taken by a con man. I mean, insurance companies said managed care would be a really easy solution to the problems in healthcare. And today, the system is still broken, but the insurance companies are much richer...