Friday, May 25, 2007

Family Leave Roundtable on Long Island - Today!

We're holding a living room roundtable for working parents today at 2 in Mastic on Long Island to discuss the need for better state family leave policies so working parents can care for new kids and ailing relatives. Suffolk County Legislator Kate Browning will moderate the discussion.

Speaking at the roundtable are working parents who have wrestled with the decision of how soon to return to their jobs after having a child and workers who have had to leave their jobs to care for their seriously ill parents. They'll tell their stories and discuss how the Working Families Time to Care Act would improve the lives of families facing similar choices about how to balance family and work.

Roundtable participants will encourage State Senator Trunzo to support the Working Families Time to Care Act.

The Working Families Party supports the Working Families Time to Care Act, which would allow working families to take care of each other in times of need without risking financial hardship. Here's how it works:
  • The Working Families Time to Care Act would expand New York's existing Temporary Disability Insurance program to cover family needs like leave for either parent to care for a newborn child or a newly adopted child or a seriously-ill family member.
  • Workers would receive up to 12 weeks of benefits, funded through a modest increase of premiums paid within the existing TDI program.
You can show your support by signing our card with a message. We've got over 1,500 signatures, but there's still room for your name. Tell your state legislators it's time to give paid time off to parents of newborns (or newly adopted children) and adults who need time to care for ailing relatives.

Sign the card today!

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