Labor was out in force on Saturday at the anti-war march. Sarah Ferguson writes on the
Village Voice's Power Plays blog:
Some of the most vociferous chanting came from the labor unions--including UNITE-HERE, CWA, 1199 SEIU, and the transit workers and teachers unions--who mobilized 7,500 to 10,000 of their own in what organizers said was probably the biggest anti-war labor contingent ever.
Citing Saturday's turnout and the strong support from unions expected at Monday's immigrant rights demonstrations across the country, John Wilhelm, president of the restaurant and hotel workers division of UNITE-HERE, declared: "There is something profound and powerful taking shape in this country, and not a minute too late."
"What they promised, that the gas prices would go down and that there would be oil revenues from Iraq, has never happened," charged Steve Kramer, vice president of the healthcare workers union 1199 SEIU. "Now we see gas prices at $3, and you don't see them talking about taking the windfall profits they've given Halliburton and Exxon Mobile.
"Union members are connecting how Iraq is part of a larger foreign policy that destabilizes people's countries and economies and forces people to immigrate to survive," says Michael Eisenscher, national coordinator of U.S. Labor Against the War
I am so tired from walking! I first gagued the entire March walking from 18th to 25th to see who was lining up. Then down to Foley Square. Yes, it was great to see labor out in force. At the festival I met someone from US Labor against the war who directed a DVD about Iraqi labor leaders who went on tour in the US to talk about the privatization going on in Iraq.
I saw Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan, and Major Ownes speak to the press as well. I saw Roger Toussaint line up with them at the begining of the march. And who can forget the Raging Grannies.
Organizers estimated around 350,000 people. It was the top story on CNN as well.
I unfortunately wasn't able to make it to the rally, but there was a contingent of UFT'ers marching, I'm told there was a banner there indentifying the group as UFT. We posted info about the rally on our blog, and our website.
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