Wednesday, September 06, 2006

NY-24 Labor Day Highlights

This weekend, Take Back Congress volunteers were at the Central New York Labor Council Labor Day Picnic. Mike Arcuri talked to over 250 people at the picnic about how George Bush Republicans are taking the nation in the wrong direction, and how he wants to get us back on track. Then Rep. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) told the crowd that he was doing everything he could to help elect Mike Arcuri to Congress, and he asked the audience to do the same.

Tompkins County Legislator Nathan Shinagawa received the Friends of Labor Award for his work passing a resolution in support of Fair Share for Health Care at the County level.

Tastiest part of the picnic? Jello molds!

Mark your calendars: on September 12 at 2 pm, Mike Arcuri will debate Dick Cheney-clone Ray Meier in a debate sponsored by the Herkimer County Farm Bureau. The debate will focus on "pressing national agricultural issues such as the 2007 Farm Bill, immigration reform, environmental regulations and dairy pricing." I'd expect ethanol and converting corn feed crops into energy crops will also be part of the debate.

If you want to come with us to the debate or can help let other people know about it beforehand - or if you want a lawn sign - then email me or volunteer online.

What points should Mike Arcuri be sure to make in the debate? What do you think the candidates need to talk about?

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