Friday, October 20, 2006

Wanted: weekend callers to reach New York voters

This is the fourth weekend for the Take Back Congress - New York phonebank from home, and we want to make it the biggest one yet!

The calling is going great. We're calling independent and swing voters with our kitchen table message of good jobs and universal health care - and they're agreeing. The percentage of voters we're talking to saying they're voting Republican is at 11%. And that's calling swing (not base) voters who vote in every election. If we talk to these people, we'll win.

Everyone's who has made calls is calling again, and we're close to doubling the number of callers. All you need is an hour over the weekend, the ability to be on the phone and online at the same time, and the desire to take back Congress!

We need you. Call from home to Take Back Congress. Sign up today -

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