Thursday, February 01, 2007

Republican Dirty Tricks

We're starting to get reports of Republican dirty tricks, so a legal team of volunteer lawyers is gearing up to defend the right to vote.

Here's a picture of the legal team being trained for election protection work in the SD7 special election. The man on the far right is uber-election lawyer Henry Berger.


As an added bonus, note the mechanical voting machine, making one of its last appearances in a New York election.

5 days until Election Day!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Republicans will use dirty tricks. I worked on Albert Baldeo's campaign for the 15th State senate district. After 80% of the vote was counted, Baldeo was ahead by 900 votes. NY1 declared him the winner. During the last 20%, the 104 precinct and the election workers appointed by Maltese made sure that they put him (Maltese), over the top! Anthony Como, republican commissioner on the Bd of Elections, who actually sent out a phone messagfe pretending to be Andrew Cuomo endorsing Maltese, also played an important part in this electoral malfeasance. Watch out Craig!