Thursday, November 02, 2006

WFP radio ad for Eliot Spitzer

The Working Families Party has started running a Spitzer-for-Governor radio ad upstate. Listen to it online; here's the script:
"Our Progressive Values"

Let's face it. You're probably going to vote for Eliot Spitzer.

And you should.

After years of Republican mismanagement, everything changes on day one of a Spitzer administration.

But we can do more than just vote for Spitzer. We can do something just as important while we're at it. We can vote for Spitzer, and support our progressive values, too.

We can show our support for ending the war in Iraq, guaranteeing universal health care, raising the minimum wage, and stopping the outsourcing of American jobs.

Here's how:

Cast your vote for Eliot Spitzer on the Working Families Party line, Row E. The Working Families Party is more than just a political party. It's a coalition of community groups, unions and grassroots activists that form New York's strongest progressive voice for jobs, schools, and health care.

So vote for Eliot Spitzer, but vote your values too. Vote on the Working Families Party line, Row E.

The Working Families Party paid for this message. For more information go to
Take the "Count on Me" pledge at:

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